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Topics - Hayo Baan

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Bavarian Forest / Images from the June 2014 workshop
« on: 07/07/2014, 13:44:22 »
Hi all,

I had some other assignments that needed to be dealt with first, but I finally finished selecting my own results from our June visit to the Bavarian forest. Hope you enjoy them :)

Eurasian Brown Bear trying to push a big rock


Brown Bear high up in a tree

Brown Bear high up in a tree

Eurasian Otter standing on her hind legs

Eurasian Elk mother and young

Eurasian Lynx in a sunny spot

European Pine Marten

European Wildcat kitten exploring the world

Helgoland / Helgoland May 2014
« on: 13/06/2014, 18:39:40 »
Thanking Rob for posting the first images from this great shooting location, here are some of mine. I hope you enjoy them.

We actually had excellent weather for photography, dry and quite sunny. True, harsh sunshine reflecting on the water made getting focus a quite tricky, it did allow for some silhouette-flight shots as well though :)

Flight silhouette

Grey Seal getting back to shore

Northern Gannet returning home with some seaweed for the nest

Northern Gannets having a big fight

Relaxed Grey Seal – this is actually how you mostly see them; dozing contently at the beach…

Birds of Prey / Hayo's photos of 13-04-2014
« on: 18/04/2014, 17:56:33 »
Thanks to nice weather and a great group of people, we again had a super workshop photographing various birds of prey at Topvogel :)

Here are some of the images I shot myself during the workshop.

Harris's Hawk in flight / Woestijbuizerd in vlucht

European Eagle Owl taking off / Opvliegende Oehoe

European Eagle Owl in flight / Oehoe in vlucht

Common Kestrel looking up in flight / Omhoogkijkende Torenvalk in vlucht

Angelic / Engelachtig

Fighting Burrowing Owls / Vechtende Konijnuiltjes

Bavarian Forest / Some of Hayo's own images
« on: 07/04/2014, 08:34:12 »
Hi all,

Freed of my other assignments, I finally was able to finish selecting my own images from our trip to the Bavarian Forest. Here are a couple:

Photographers in action

Ottie playing with a pine cone

European Wildcat

Young Wisent on the run


Looking expectantly

Flying tiger, er lynx

Eurasian Lynx in the snow


Going back in

Helgoland / Welcome to the Helgoland tour forum
« on: 01/03/2014, 16:37:52 »
Use this forum to share images and discuss the Helgoland tour.

You can post in either Dutch, English, or German on this forum.

For assistance, please contact us.

Birds of Prey / Hayo's photos of 13-10-2013
« on: 18/11/2013, 12:11:05 »
Hi all,

I thought I should post some of my own images too. Hopefully they encourage more people to post theirs as well  ;)

Anyway, here are a couple.

Barn Owl (Tyto Alba) looking up expectantly

Barn Owl in flight

Portrait of a Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus)

Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle in flight

Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus) having a rainy lunch

Nearly crashing Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia)
No, not the best image as the owls themselves are not really sharp (motion blur together with small depth of field), but I still like it  ::)

Valencia / Some of Hayo's own images
« on: 20/10/2013, 14:04:48 »
Though I'm not yet done processing my images (not by far), here are a couple I'd like to share with you.

Arts and Science park

Science Museum

Puente L'Assut de L'Or

Lift entrance


Historical City

Mercado Central

Cathedral of Valencia (3x)

Hello 2013 June group,

As I was quite busy the last couple of weeks, I've only now finished the images I took on our workshop beginning of June. I'm really looking forward to yours!

Here are a couple of the 25 or so compositions I photographed.

Window of the Machine Hall

Windows of the Machine Hall


The quenching tower

Inside the coke battery



Valencia / Welcome to the Valencia tour forum
« on: 12/05/2013, 21:24:13 »
Use this forum to share images and discuss the Valencia tour.

You can post in either Dutch, English, or German on this forum.

For assistance, please contact us.

Birds of Prey / Hayo's photos
« on: 12/05/2013, 10:58:27 »
I finally processed my own images :)
Here are a couple:

Homer, the Alaskan Bald Eagle

Carel awaiting Homer's return

Barn Owl

Burrowing Owl on the run

Eurasian Eagle Owl

Common Kestrel

It took a while, but I finally have made a selection of my images taken during our weekend workshop in Dortmund. Now for the rest of the backlog… (I somehow decided to put these first!).

Anyway, here are a couple images I took.

Railway yard and main tower building

The scrap yard

Inside a mine transport wagon

Lift tower

Jugendstil stairs in the administrative building

The cokery at dusk

The cellar below the coke battery

Pressure meter


The laboratory


The “horizontal, steam-driven, two-staged, double acting gas piston compressor”

Photography & Gear / Welcome to the Photography & Gear forum
« on: 04/05/2013, 18:20:33 »
Use this forum to ask questions and discuss Photography and Gear.

You can post in either Dutch, English, or German on this forum.

For assistance, please contact us.

General Discussion / MOVED: Valencia + Street-photography
« on: 03/03/2013, 09:44:39 »
This topic has been moved to the new Valencia tour board.

Thank you Rob for sharing some of your images from the October 2012 Bavarian Forest workshop (see previous posts here and here).

Going through about 2500 images always takes time, hence the delay in posting a couple of my own…

Looking forward to your comments and feedback :)

Wolf on the run


Wood grouse



Brown Bear

Fighting wolves

Wolf dragging its catch

Hi all,

Just returning from the Bavarian Forest workshop, I decided to first finish the images from the Industrial Heritage workshop. So here are four completely different ones from the Cokery :D

Looking forward to some more of your pictures.

Have fun,

Inside the mixing unit


Stripped cooling tower

The cokery in the evening

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