Author Topic: photos on laptop-monitor  (Read 3356 times)

Pim de Klerk

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photos on laptop-monitor
« on: 30/11/2012, 17:45:25 »
Dear Hayo, dear all,

I have a question concenring watching photos on my laptop. Of course the monitor is calibrated. But as you all probably know, the colours and the light appears differently by tilting the monitor up or down.

Does anybody know if there is an optimal position/angle for the monitor in order to see the colours correctly?

Best wishes,

Hayo Baan

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Re: photos on laptop-monitor
« Reply #1 on: 30/11/2012, 19:36:03 »
Hi Pim,

Since you've already calibrated and profiled the display, we can assume that at perfect viewing conditions, the colours, brightness and contrast are as good as they can get.

When working with a laptop the following influences the image you see on-screen:
  • Light reflecting off the surface of your display. This is especially a problem with those shiny, polished screens many laptops these days have. While initially they look nice and contrasty, they're a nightmare for editing and you're best off using a matte screen instead. But even with a matte screen, light falling on your screen can degrade the image you're viewing. The solution here is to keep your laptop away from any light falling onto the screen. The more indirect the light, the better.
  • LCD screens change colour depending on the angle at which you view the display. The amount by which this happens depends on the quality of the display. In general, the older (and cheaper) the laptop, the more your image will changes with the viewing angle. The best viewing angle is always perpendicular to the screen.

Concluding: for best viewing on a laptop, a) keep it out of any direct light, shining onto the display, and b) position the screen so that the viewing angle is as close to 90 degrees as possible (this will anyway be the most comfortable).

Note too that some displays can change brightness depending on the ambient light level. If you want consistency in your results, you should disable this feature. Also make sure you calibrate the brightness of your display properly; most people tend too have their display too bright, rendering their prints darker than they expect.

I hope this helps,
Hayo Baan – Photography