Hello Simon,
One thing your samples show (again) is that, when properly focussed, your lens is pretty darn sharp, even at the edges. So the lens is most likely OK.
So why the big loss in sharpness from side to centre? This, while Depth of Field of the lens at 14mm at f/9 indicates this should not be a problem.
A couple of observations that may explain this:
- For the centre shot you focussed on the the building that is farthest from the camera, but the sides are much closer (any idea what the distances to the camera where?). For your side shot, the reverse is true. From a depth of field perspective, this is far from optimal and you'd best focus somewhere at a third in between.
- DOF calculations are based on old rules of thumb with an old definition of what is acceptably sharp. With modern cameras, and certainly with the super high pixel count cameras like the D800E, what is acceptable sharpness at pixel level requires a much more stringent definition of acceptable sharpness. The DOF as a result will be much, much, shallower.
Further info regarding the second point: normal calculations for Depth of Field take 0.025mm or even 0.03mm for the “
circle of confusion,” with a pixel size of only 4.88µm, this means 5 to 6 pixels (in each direction!), similar to viewing at 20%…
Try the same shot again, but now with focussing somewhere between the closest and farthest points of what you want to have in focus (you may also try going to f/11 though this already may introduce some
diffraction effects).
Also, to rule out any environmental or vibration related issues, try the shot at daytime with a short shutter speed.
Hope this helps,