Hi Maartje,
Thank you for sharing

Awesome images, nice to again see another angle on the architecture.
Here's some feedback:
- Stairs – Very nice use of the fish eye lens to get the whole scene! Good symmetry and balance.
- Pinnacle with foreboding sky – Well spotted! Looking at it again, perhaps I would like to see the foreground a bit brighter, but that can be done relatively easy in post processing. Composition-wise, an even wider shot, with more sky, might have worked too, perhaps.
- Bridge – Great lines. Nice contrast of the white construction on the near perfect blue sky with only a few clouds.
- Underneath the Paulau de les Arts – Very strong image, love the symmetry and lines! Well spotted. Worth the extra time you spent going back there!
- Stairs at the Veles e Vents building – Why oh why haven't I taken this one? Love the colours, the combination of the brown of the wood, white of the building and blue of the sky works really well in my opinion!